The city of Oberzent needs impulses for an identity-creating networking and communication strategy. For the research semester of the RURASMUS Research Institute, the following questions therefore arise: How do we communicate “the city of Oberzent”? How do we communicate with all stakeholders in a contemporary way, using which formats, channels and with which messages/topics?
Which networks exist and how can these and their topics be made visible?
The methodical approach includes an analysis phase in which the specific needs of the city of Oberzent, the potential target groups and their needs/topics should be recorded. Which topics can be conveyed how and via which formats and channels. It is important to think of a communicative framework that can capture and make visible both large and small networks.
Addition: A synergy can be created with this project application between the project application of the city of Oberzent on the topic of vacancy/owner dialog, as the process initiated by the vacancy topic is an excellent networking topic.