The issue of vacancies seems to be a major problem in rural communities in particular, but many cities and small towns are also struggling with the vacancy problem. This is also the case in the town of Oberzent, which sees the cause and solution for the activation of vacancies in new communication with the owners. For the research semester of the RURASMUS Research Institute, the following questions therefore arise: What are the individual reasons for the vacancy on the part of the owners? What are the main causes? Why are they (unable to) do anything? What and what positive incentives – including from the city – would be needed for them to take action?
The methodological approach is dialog with the owners. In an initial analysis phase, the existing data on vacancies is to be reviewed and, if necessary, supplemented with new data. The second step involves conducting discussions and initiating a dialog. For the city of Oberzent, the aim is to gain new insights and, through the initiated communication process, to have the opportunity to “get into action” on the subject of vacancies.